Chris Connors... What is it about this solstice/festive time that you love most?
Anna Hart... I particularly love the winter solstice invitation to embrace darkness, decline and death, rather than fighting against it with bright lights, inauthentic positivity and a refusal to let go. This feels quite radical, particularly against the inescapable backdrop of the more conventional and commercial trappings of Christmas.
CC... You’ve travelled the world in many dimensions!.What are 5 memorable moments have brought awe or just touched your soul.
AH... I'm currently in New York City, and I see enough spirited characters in every subway carriage to complete the casting of a raucous new hit Broadway show.
Visiting places of worship for all faiths and denominations never fails to stir my soul, because I can feel the positive pull of generations of people trying to be better people.
Touching down in my homeland of Ireland, I always savour that first gulp of sweet, cool, moist air - the most nourishing air I ever breathe. Even if it's mildly tinged with jet fuel fumes!
I often travel solo, and the kindness and patience shown to me by strangers in bus stations across Southeast Asia is something I am hugely grateful for. I remember the face of every single person who has helped me.
Waking up at dawn on a boat and getting my first glimpse of South Georgia, in the Southern Ocean, is a moment I'll never forget. It's dramatic and beautiful, but what really struck me was that this is an entire island given over to wildlife, a rare island that humans haven't been allowed to ruin!
CC... What are your rituals that support you on your travels?
AH... I seek out places of worship. I go running in parks or along waterways. I light a candle. I put pen to paper and let the feelings fall out of me onto the page. I make silly jokes to barstaff or people in shops so that even in a place where I don't know anyone yet, I have moments of connection - however small, they are never inconsequential. I call my Mum. I read a Jane Austen novel. These things anchor me.
CC... How do sound and music accompany your journeys?
AH... Before I travel, I do a Spotify deep dive into the music of destination, and when I'm there, I continually ask for recommendations. For example, earlier this year I travelled to Chile and got really into early 1970s, pre-Pinochet psychedelic folk-rock. Loving the music of a place helps me feel like I belong there, plus I can chat to taxi drivers about our mutual favourite old rock bands.
CC... With all your inter-cultural experiences what do you think unites us all as members of the human race? What are our common attributes?
AH... Actually, it's our diversity that I find most compelling. Everyone is deep when you dig hard enough. Everyone has a story, and everyone's story will make you laugh and make you cry if you listen long enough. Every person you meet can teach you something, about something - there is something they know that you don't. The worst thing we do as humans is reductify, stereotype, dismiss or diminish the richness of the people we meet.
CC... One wish for humanity in 2025?
AH... World peace, naturally, but more smiles on the street is a good start.
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